Christian, Husband, Father, Astrophysicist, Public Speaker
Dr. Steve Mairs is a family man, a devout christian, an astrophysicist, and a public speaker with over a decade of experience in tackling questions surrounding scientific rationality and faith in public forums.Observational astronomers possess a unique vocation, distinct from many other scientific disciplines. Our pursuits take us to realms so distant that physical travel to these destinations within our lifetimes is but a distant dream. Unlike fields where experimentation occurs in controlled labs such as through the analysis of collected plants or ice cores, we study God's creation solely through the light that graces our planet... unable to reach out and grasp the glory that we witness every day.
Studying space brings us closer to God and closer to one another. Science is a glorious tool that tells us how the universe works, while the Bible tells us why the universe exists at all. Science gives us knowledge of the heavens which transcends borders, languages, and politics while the Bible gives us a faith which provides the only illumination under which life and all its beautiful details can properly examined with our God-given rational minds. No matter our background, even a small glimpse of the cosmos on a clear night away from city lights beckons us to contemplate the boundless creativity and power of our divine Creator. The stars ignite within us a sense of wonder and reverence for the mysteries and beauty of existence itself. The reality is that the profound awe we experience when we see Saturn's rings or distant galaxies is an echo within our souls that points to a true and living God, in whose image we are beautifully and wonderfully made. This divine inspiration is evident in even the names we give to nebulae, such as "The Pillars of Creation", a reference to a sermon given by the renowned British pastor, Charles Spurgeon.
By reaching for the stars and into the great unknown, we find that which is strangely familiar and so unspeakably magnificent. The science of astronomy embodies our longing to explore the handiwork of God and discover the depths of His wisdom. Through the lens of faith, studying space becomes a pilgrimage of spiritual enrichment, leading us to uncover purpose and significance in the immensity of an infinite universe crafted by an infinitely loving God.
Victoria, BC
March, 2024